Roundabout is the UK largest Dramatherapy charity, working across London supporting clients aged 3 to 103 years old. Main goal was to evolve the brand identity and user experience design, creating a responsive website, intuitive and easy to use, which engage the user around the concept of Dramatherapy. I was in charge of the UX team, collaborating for the final prototype with the UI team.
Affinity Diagram and Storyboard

Thanks to the affinity diagram I was able to brainstorm and focus on valuable data: teachers and schools were revealed as main users of Roundabout's services while children would be the main beneficiaries of the Dramatherapy.

Rosie is the user persona, a young teacher working full time in a primary school: she would like to understand better her pupils needs, especially the ones that are having difficulties conveying their feelings.
Mid-fidelity prototype

Thanks to user testing we could also add clearer contents and prioritise elements using hierarchy, basing our choice on the importance of information for the final user. I’ve also realised a clickable prototype of the desktop wireframes that you can find at this link.
Final responsive prototype

The final website didn't take into account accessibility constraints due to cost and development restrictions.